Interregional Tent Camp The “Bolgar – Tugan Tel”

The “Bolgar – Tugan Tel” (Native language) Camp was organized for the first time in 2014
and it united more than 500 gifted children from eleven federal subjects of the Russian
Federation. The programme of the camp is focused on the immersion into the Tatar culture
and language and on mastering the skills of practical use of the Tatar language in various
spheres of life. The programme of the camp includes educational and cultural events,
which are divided into different thematic blocks. These blocks supplement each other, so
the participants immerse into the Tatar culture and get a strong sense of belonging to it.
The aim of the project is to attract the modern youth to the study of the Tatar language.
“Bolgar – Tugan Tel” puts forward and fulfils two priority tasks:
— creating conditions for the immersion into the language environment by means of an
educational programme, which is aimed at the extensive study of the Tatar language with
the use of new information and methodical tools;
— perception and assimilation of traditions of the Tatar culture, introduction of innovative
approaches to the development of a gifted individual, which facilitate personal formation
and building of a pro-active position in the modern Tatar youth.
The work of the camp is organized within the realization of the “State Programme of the
Republic of Tatarstan on Preservation, Study and Development of the Official Languages
of the Republic of Tatarstan and of Other Languages of the Republic of Tatarstan”.
and it united more than 500 gifted children from eleven federal subjects of the Russian
Federation. The programme of the camp is focused on the immersion into the Tatar culture
and language and on mastering the skills of practical use of the Tatar language in various
spheres of life. The programme of the camp includes educational and cultural events,
which are divided into different thematic blocks. These blocks supplement each other, so
the participants immerse into the Tatar culture and get a strong sense of belonging to it.
The aim of the project is to attract the modern youth to the study of the Tatar language.
“Bolgar – Tugan Tel” puts forward and fulfils two priority tasks:
— creating conditions for the immersion into the language environment by means of an
educational programme, which is aimed at the extensive study of the Tatar language with
the use of new information and methodical tools;
— perception and assimilation of traditions of the Tatar culture, introduction of innovative
approaches to the development of a gifted individual, which facilitate personal formation
and building of a pro-active position in the modern Tatar youth.
The work of the camp is organized within the realization of the “State Programme of the
Republic of Tatarstan on Preservation, Study and Development of the Official Languages
of the Republic of Tatarstan and of Other Languages of the Republic of Tatarstan”.