Educational sessions

On 18th of May the participants of the II Kazan OIC Youth Entrepreneurship Forum are continuing their educational sessions. This time, Forum participants had a chance to listen to speakers from Australia, United Kingdom, Ireland and Turkey.
In the beginning of the day, the first speaker was Syed Shahzad, the founder and general director of "Oxademy"(Australia). Mr. Shahzad have shared his opinion concerning technologies in education. From his own words: "Using different technologies gives a lot of opportunities, but it doesn't mean that all the paper books are going to be removed from our lives, even if electronic books are getting more and more popular nowadays. I concern, that books are not going be removed, but they definitely are going to be changed the way a new generation would want it to be changed. Moreover, in my own opinion, I don't understand what's the deal, because books are for education, and it doesn't really matter where to read the same material".
The next speaker was Muddassar Ahmed, co-founder of "Unitas Communications" (United Kingdom, Nothern Ireland), who have presented the project named "PR for a successful technology company", and who also have advised the future entrepreneurs to be very careful about what they post on the Internet, because all the information stays there forever, and once you post you won't be able to erase it.
The third speaker was Ahmet Halit Hatip, the executive assistant to the chairman and advisor of Eskim Investment Holding. The Irish speaker with Turkish background have presented his project named "Key financial indicators for attracting investors", which was about what details do you need to make sure of to attract the investors. As he said: "When I was telling the audience about my project, I warned them about the danger they may have. It's important to have partners that are matching you. And it's important to always have a choice when you are searching for the investors". At the end of the day, the Forum participants have had an educational session "The significance of technical innovation for startups" by Muhammet Kasim, the senior soft wear developer in public procurement agency. The Turkish speaker have told about why is it important to use innovation technologies when you are a beginner and how to use them.
After all the educational sessions, the Forum organizers have continued to tell the Forum guests about the Tatar and Russia traditions and culture by giving a cultural evening "Traditions of my country".